Sunday, January 22, 2017

Why Did the World Protest Donald Trump? Because the World Doesn't Like Him.

Trump made no history on his inauguration day, but the day after women of the world did.

A tiny slice of what happened yesterday. (They even had a protest on Antarctica.)

Why were there women's marches around the globe on Donald Trump's first full day in office? It's not surprising: Women as a class should, naturally, be the most aggrieved by Trump's rhetoric. Stating that he has a right, conferred by his celebrity, to "grab them by the pussy" certainly can't help but be a motivating factor. But there's much more.

Everything Trump stands for is quite nearly in opposition to women's views on a number of things, from contraception, sexual harassment, women's role in the world of work, to practically every aspect of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In Trump's world, women don't line up with men. They're second. In this, Trump lines up with conservatives rather well.

But there's a larger motivation for women the world over. Trump is dangerous, and women respond to that lurking danger in a way men don't. Women are the closest to our children both in the roles they choose -- or get chosen for them -- and by their disposition as the world's nurturers. They instinctively know when their children are in danger, and Trump has made the world more dangerous.

Women are right to feel they are shortchanged in what share of human rights they're entitled to, and they are right that Donald Trump stands, in that respect, in opposition to them. So they naturally rise up to oppose him.

Men, myself included, need to stand with women, as well. Women's rights are human rights, and just as with the Black Lives Matter movement, we men can stand aside at the point in time and say Women's Right Matter. We men are already okay, at least in the advanced Western nations. That's what whites and men don't get. We're already okay, which is why blacks and women should be supported in their rightful drive for full and equal -- and safe -- citizenship. We're not there yet as a human race, and until we are, those of us privileged beyond fairness must work for the larger cause.

The world realizes that Donald Trump is in opposition to the progress we need to make as a world, from issues of climate change to social and economic justice and beyond. He is the opposition, and the world stands in opposition to him. And, boy, do they oppose him.

Let's see how it goes as the Trump era moves on. So far, he's a disgrace, along with his hapless crew of cronies. Yes, he has power, but so did the British over India. Remember how that worked out?

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