Friday, February 9, 2018

As the White House Defends a Wife Abuser, Hope Hicks Gets Off Easy

Hope Hicks, Trump's Batgirl, has been dating now-former Staff Secretary Rob Porter. Porter's a serial wife abuser, but Hicks stands by her man.

John Kelly, who thinks the world should "honor women," called Rob Porter “a man of true integrity and honor," saying "I can’t say enough good things about him. He is a friend, a confidante and a trusted professional. I am proud to serve alongside him.”

A day later he was reportedly "shocked" to learn what he'd known for months. Things slow to kick in, John?

Of course, he fits right in at a Trump White House, and we've been aware of what a horse's ass the former Marine Corps general actually is. But what explains Hope Hicks' defending Porter, other than it appears she's been shagging him? Yeah, probably that.

The Daily Beast ain't letting her get away with it.
What the hell is wrong with the White House? What the hell is wrong with John Kelly? And last but certainly not least: Why the hell is Hope Hicks getting off easy

This is not the first time Hicks has carried water for a man accused of hurting women. From her boss, the president, accused of sexual misconduct by 19 women, to rumored former boyfriend-turned-framee Lewandowski—caught on video grabbing then-Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields—to Porter, Hicks has kept her head down and professionally defended the alleged abuse of men for much of her post-collegiate 20s.


Apart from being Porter’s girlfriend, Hicks is the White House communications director. And the White House’s handling of the resignation of Porter should bring all of Hicks’ publicly ascribed qualities into question. No matter how dedicated and efficient the White House communications director is, the White House’s wagon-circling around Porter paints Hicks as unprofessional, unethical, and unfit.

To paraphrase a cliché, there’s a special place in hell for women who choose to use what limited power they have to protect men who hurt women. And Hicks has devoted much of her professional life to doing just that. 
Amen. Didn't know that Corey Lewandowski thing, boy, can she pick 'em or what? Turns out now the White House is trying to shift blame to Lewandowski. Great crew over there.

I've been saying for a while that Donald Trump is the great destroyer of reputations. Hang with him long enough, and you've soiled yourself for sure. Add Kelly and Hicks to the lot.

Update. When Trump turns on you, look out. Hey, Lewandowski, thought he was a friend?

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