Saturday, March 28, 2015

Welcome to Indiana and West Virginia: They Hate Us for Our Freedom!

Oops, no Barbie! Don't let them eat cake!

In Indiana, they don't want to discriminate unless it's for religious reasons. USA! USA! Indiana, fuck yeah! (Oh course, they deny it's discrimination.)

In West Virginia, howdy friends, welcome to McDowell County! Nice camera you got there!

In the weird way we seem to be moving in modern-day America, these stories are connected. They're about sexual panic. In Indiana, it's about same-sex marriage, pure and simple.

In the incident in West Virginia, some tourists were taking in the rural beauty and quaintness of the town of  Raysal, when its fine citizens decided the photographer and her husband were pedophiles. Not defending pedophilia, but West Virginia, WTF?

It's amazing what the liberals have done to destroy America.

"You're not from around here, are ya?"

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